Medical Biochemistry delves into the molecular intricacies of the human body, unraveling the chemical processes that underpin cellular function and contribute to the understanding of life at the molecular level.
Student Educational activities: The Biochemistry department is aimed to provide the highest standards of medical education and research activities to healthcare leaders of tomorrow. Interactive lectures, Tutorials and Seminars are being conducted as per teaching schedule.
O P D Diagnostic Services: The Department of Biochemistry has functional Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory which is providing the diagnostic amenities for patients of the Sanaka Hospital which is attached to SRIMS
I P D Diagnostic Services: The Department of Biochemistry has been providing diagnostic amenities since the inception of IPD services. The diagnostic facilities are extended to round the clock.
Quality Control: To attain quality service of reported laboratory investigations, in addition to its routine QA the lab is linked with leading labs in an EQAS scheme.