Human anatomy is one of the basic essential sciences of medicine. The students learn about Human anatomy through methods of cadaveric dissection. It teaches them about the different details of human dolore magna aliqua. The Anatomy Department at SRIMS is located in the first floor of the academic building The department provides students the facilities to study microscopic anatomy of various human organs and systems. Adequate number of charts, specimen and models are available to help the students to understand Embryology and other clinical applications. The department also preserves dead bodies. Department also has a voluntary body donation programme for education & Research purpose.
Human Anatomy is the scientific discipline that meticulously examines the structural composition of the human body, thereby providing profound insights into the intricate architecture of its biological systems.
Human anatomy is one of the basic essential sciences of medicine. The students learn about Human anatomy through methods of cadaveric dissection. It teaches them about the different details of human dolore magna aliqua. The Anatomy Department at SRIMS is located in the first floor of the academic building The department provides students the facilities to study microscopic anatomy of various human organs and systems. Adequate number of charts, specimen and models are available to help the students to understand Embryology and other clinical applications. The department also preserves dead bodies. Department also has a voluntary body donation programme for education & Research purpose.
Human Anatomy is the scientific discipline that meticulously examines the structural composition of the human body, thereby providing profound insights into the intricate architecture of its biological systems.
The Department believes on the altruistic action of the public to maintain its teaching of, and research into, human anatomy. Cadaveric dissection is an important element of the teaching schedule in medical college The chief value of body donation is for teaching anatomy to medical students. Acquiring a sound knowledge of the structure of the human body is possible only if students of anatomy have access to human bodies for careful dissection and study. It aids the medical students to understand human anatomy and consequently utilize this knowledge for their clinical subjects The interested person while alive may voluntarily donate his/her body and express his/her will in writing (form can be obtained from the Anatomy Office, SRIMS) and inform his next kith & kin about the same. The dead body should be preferably transported to the Department of Anatomy, SRIMS within working hours.